Darkness to Light – Stewards of Children (D2L)
Is a Child’s Safety Worth 2 ½ Hours of Your Time?
Join hands with the CAC and become a champion to protect children and prevent child sexual abuse by attending a Darkness to Light (D2L) Stewards of Children child sexual abuse prevention class. Support the Child Advocacy Center in the following ways …
D2L Stewards of Children Program Facts
- A comprehensive, research & evidence based program to prevent child sexual abuse.
- Teaches that adults, rather than children, are accountable for a child’s safety and shows adults how to recognize, prevent, & react responsibly to child sexual abuse.
- Utilizes Darkness to Light’s, “5 Steps to Protecting our Children”.
- Designed for parents, grandparents, concerned individuals & groups that want to protect children.
D2L Stewards of Children is good for organizations that serve children with the potential benefits of:
- Increased community involvement
- Decreased insurance premiums
- Creation of policies & procedures to eliminate the risk of pedophiles within your organization
- Presented by an authorized D2L facilitator.
- Provided free (donations appreciated to cover costs of workbooks & supplies).
- Offered at your own location if you have 10 or more participants.
For more information on D2L and available training dates or to request a class at your own location:
Contact the Child Advocacy Center at (910) 486-9700 or visit the D2L website at www.d2l.org.